
  • Rasma Afifah MTsN 4 Tabalong
  • Siti Mas’amah MTsN 4 Tabalong
  • Achmat Sudrajat Baznas RI
  • Iim Wasliman Universitas Islam Nusantara
  • Yosal Iriantara Universitas Islam Nusantara


Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Kinerja, Birokrasi



The development of digital science and technology 4.0 in the current era of globalization and modernization, human resource management has a role in creating a quality and competent workforce. One of the ways that can be done to realize the expectations of a qualified and competent workforce is the need for continuous or gradual education and training in accordance with the level of expertise and skills. The practice of education and training is expected to be able to develop civil servants in accordance with their competence to be able to use their expertise in accordance with changes in technology, civil servants will be more oriented towards agency development, improving civil servant performance and for career development, so that training is expected to increase the personal growth of each civil servant. education, teachers are required to have a number of competencies and adequate experience to create good teacher performance. This capacity improvement can be obtained through training and teacher professional development such as Subject Teacher Consultations (MGMP) and Teacher Working Groups (KKG). Through this, teachers are expected to receive refreshments, increase work efficiency and effectiveness. The bureaucracy can be understood as work procedures, organizational systems, and power to make decisions. The role of the bureaucracy and community participation as the control of national education is a function of the bureaucracy itself, controlling the main tasks and functions of the education bureaucracy so that the implementation of the education process in the regions runs smoothly.

Keywords: Education, Training, Performance, Bureaucracy


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